4 Must-See Lighting Solutions That You'll Love
Commercial, DESIGN TIPS, Lighting Design, ResidentialJennifer Butler Interior Designcommercial lighting, direct lighting, indirect lighting, light fixture types, light levels, lighting design, residential lighting
Kips Bay Inside and Out - Rooftop View
Kips Bay with Cause: Floor Five
Events, ResidentialJennifer Butlerantiques, art, chalk art, custom wall covering, graffiti walls, guest bedroom, kips bay show house, matisse, modern living, napoleon lounge
Kips Bay High Design: Floor Four
Kips Bay With Cause - Floor Three!
Events, ResidentialJennifer ButlerInterior Design, american dream, armless sofa, art, de kooning, kips bay, library, showhouse, terazzo, victoria hagan
Kips Bay with Cause - Floor Two: Get the Effect
SEAR-iously Hot Innovations in Outdoor Living
Outdoor Living, Residential, TechnologyJennifer Butler Interior DesignInterior Design, casual living design, innovative outdoor design, outdoor design, outdoor games, outdoor home, outdoor kitchens, outdoor lighting, outdoor living
Outdoor Kitchens: Q&A with K.O.G. RUSS FAULK
Kitchen Design, Outdoor Living, ResidentialJennifer Butler Interior Designfire pizza oven, full outdoor kitchen, gaucho grill, grill, grilling, hybrid grill, kalamazoo gourmet, kalamazoo outdoor gourmet, outdoor countertops, pizza oven, russ faulk, smoker cabinet
PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT: Chilewich Floor Tile
Materials, Residential, Residential meets Comm...Jennifer Butler Interior DesignFlooring, Interior Design, chilewich, eco-friendly, material, sustainable, tile, vinyl, woven
Design Thinking: Kid Space - Clear Skies, Secret Palaces
Design Thinking: Strategic, Stunning Renovation
Design Process, Kitchen Design, Publications, ResidentialJennifer ButlerRenovation, induction oven, kitchen remodel, mindset, planning, quartz, walnut, wood floors
Design Thinking: Our New Column For Cascade Life
Apartment, Condo & Sma..., Publications, ResidentialJennifer Butlercascade life, downsize, downsizing, empty nest, magazine, retirement, transition, transitional home
Jennifer Butler's Kitchen: COMPLETION
Lansing Area Residence, Parade of Homes 2014
The Full Front on Backsplashes
Kitchen Design, Materials, ResidentialJennifer Butleraesthetic, art, backsplash, canvas, design, kitchen, overwhelming, tile